Urwa Hocane express her feeling about Covid-19 Pandemic:

By emaxtv

March 30, 2020

Urwa Hocane express her feeling about Covid-19 Pandemic:

Urwa Hocane expressed some thoughts on Covid-19 and its impact on the world.

She took twitter to share her thoughts and said: “While I am thinking that it’s a global disaster on a human level, I also notice the planet is healing which I feel was so much needed as we had become so careless about harming it and how!”

She went on to say “While I am missing my mother on to say, and my family so so much, I am also grateful that I can be warm & safe at home, I have loved ones that I can talk to and I have food on my table.”

It’s a good sign that our celebs are maintaining social distancing and being able to handle lockdown.

“My heart goes out to all the people struggling right now, be it having to worry about food & health facilities or be it leaving your home to go out and fight on the frontline as a doctor, policeman, etc.”

She ended her thread with “Stay strong and positive ya’ll. And most importantly be grateful and kind and stay home.

Urwa also suggested how to spend self-isolation, enjoy sunset and sunrise.